Recently, I was going through a drawer of old artwork when I happened across this four-page comic I did while taking a graphic novel class at VCU. We were told to create a super-villain with a defined set of powers/abilities. Once that was done, we were put into groups and had to come up with a story together where our characters fight. Even though we all worked on the story together, we were each left to make our own version and come up with our own dialogue. My character was The Mezmerizer, whose powers included disorienting people and projecting energy. I was always very fond of him, but never quite got around to using him for anything outside of this particular story. Overcompensation-Man was created by designer Matt Leahy, and Octo-Girl was created by illustrator Ally Hodges. Put it all together and you get webcomic Supervillain Throwdown!
I originally drew and inked the pages for class, but we were not required to color them. It was always in the back of my mind to go ahead and add color, but between graduating and starting a career, it got lost in the shuffle. I’m glad I went back and did this- I had a lot of fun revisiting these characters. Who knows, if I dig a little deeper in my art drawer, I may find a few more comics that get the finishing up treatment.
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